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Title: RE: [xml-dev] XML-with-datatypes (was....)
Thanks Elliotte, although I can't read French. I never mastered the accent. :-)
BTW, thanks also for this reference on Cafe today:
DeRose's article comes at a good time here in mission-critical-land.
Do you think Vladimir's proposal to add to the xml: namespace to signify stronger typing
is worth the risk of semantic expansion of that namespace? As I said, I don't see the
benefit of welding a strong typing mechanism to the core when it can be done in the
application and there are variations on doing that (XSD builds in primitives; RELAX
takes the bolt-in). Optionality isn't a defense. People trip on it just as they
trip over the XML prolog (per Eric's blog on Lawyers Shouldn't Type XML).
From: Elliotte Harold [mailto:elharo@metalab.unc.edu]
Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
> Elliotte, please explain why JAXB 2.0 and Apache Commons Digester
> are improvements with respect to strong typing.
They are improvements because they make the typing weaker. They make it
much easier to tie the XML documents to classes of your choice, with
method invocations, configuration, and initialization that you want to
do. They are much more flexible and much less fixed. (Digester much more
so than JAXB 2.0.)
For Digester, see Herve Agnoux's article (in French)
For JAXB 2.0 Kohsuke Kawaguchi has written quite a bit in his blog:
See, in particular,
"Sometimes when you are binding your own classes to XML, you hit with a
situation where your class representation doesn't quite match what you'd
like to see in the XML. Some other times, some of your classes hit the
limitation in JAXB that the class must have a default constructor.
XmlJavaTypeAdapter is a solution for those problems."