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   RE: [xml-dev] Invitation to metadata dictionary wiki - meaningfue l.org

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It isn't the crowdedness; it is the feedback loop over a 
single source.  The history audit does the rest.  Then 
as the numbers go up, it begins to appear as if the 
crowds are 'wise' when actually, they get there the 
same way as the open-minded expert does.   What the 
cited article shows is that the open-minded expert is 
a rare beastie because the very nature of the human 
brain makes it easy to fool and easier to close.

Division of labor vs speed to closure...

Would you let a crowd pick your life partner or lover?
As I recall, there was a reality TV show that worked 
that way.  And the results were?


From: Amelia A Lewis [mailto:amyzing@talsever.com]

On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 08:33:41AM -0600, Bullard, Claude L (Len) wrote:
>And I ask again, crowds of what?

Having nothing useful to add to the discussion, I offer this instead (with
apologies to Joni).

Rows of experts who can swear
that when I speak I never err.
My rep admired ev'rywhere;
I've been with crowds that way.

But now my work has been undone,
my nick's a flag for ev'ryone.
So many tales I could have spun,
but crowds got in my way.

I've looked at crowds from both sides now:
from in and out, and still somehow,
it's crowd delusions I recall.
I really don't know crowds at all.


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