I have a piece of code that I am writing in Perl
using the XML::LibXML module. I seem to be able to extract all the information I
want, but when trying to alter information in the file, for some reason it does
not save. After altering the information, I can go back and view it again and it
contains the altered information, but when I try to write it to a file, only the
old information is there. Here is the piece of code:
use XML::LibXML;
$parser = new XML::LibXML
$file = "10001.xml";
open(outfile, ">10001n.xml");
$tree = $parser
-> parse_file($file);
$root = $tree ->
foreach my
foreach my
$rtr_name =
print $rtr_name,
foreach my
foreach my
$ap_name =
print " " .
$ap_name . "\n";
foreach my
= $cust->findvalue('First')."
= $cust->findvalue('Last_Ping');
" " . $cust_name . " " . $lst_ping ."\n";
#get node for
altering last_ping data
$lst_ping_node -> textContent );
print $lst_ping_txt->data .
$cur_ping =
$cur_ping );
print outfile $outstr;
The print statesments are just to show that I am extracting the correct
information. What I want to do is update the <Last_Ping> element in my XML
file. If I add another loop to go through and grab the data again after making
the changes and print out the text form the node, the new values are there, but
they don't show up in the output file. Can anyone see anthing wrong with my
logic here?