> I have
an xml which I transforming to an html. I want the trademark symbol in the
output html. More specifically, I need ™ in the final html.
> Now,
I see that if I put & in the xml, I get & in the output html.
However, if I put ™ or if I define a entity, the output in html is ™.
So this html gets displayed differently on different browsers.
> Only if your browser or server is misconfigured.
™ means the Unicode character x2122 and it should display the same
way whether you use a named entity reference, a numeric character
reference, or the literal Unicode character itself.
I need
™ or ™ in the final html so that the browsers read it
I tried creating entity defination as <!ENTITY trade
"&#x2122;"> but that gives the same output.
Also, I cannot use
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"> kind of hack.
How do you
people put special characters like these in xml?
If you
can't fix the underlying configuration problems that cause the character to
be displayed incorrectly, try using <xsl:output
Michael Kay