Hi, Le vendredi 22 septembre 2006 � 11:09 -0700, Nathan Young -X (natyoung - Artizen at Cisco) a �crit : > Hi. > > As far as I understand it, topic maps match what you describe below in > significant ways. Topic Maps are often mentioned as a XLink success story and that's the second time they are coming quoted in this thread and that'll give me the opportunity to express a point that's been bothering me for a while. I am not really a Topic Maps expert and most of what I know about Topic Maps has been acquired sitting in discussions between RDF and TM geeks. One of the thing which kept popping up is that TM are about defining links with multiple arcs and this is the domain of extended XLinks. However, XTM has chosen, for the sake of simplicity, to use simple links rather than extended links. As far as I remember, the XLink recommendation sees the other way round and sees simple links as a specific case of extended links Using XLink to simulate extended links with a bunch of simple links looks to me like saying: "OK; we'll take the syntax so that we can say we are compliant but we'll attach a slightly different meaning". If I am right, XTM can hardly pretend to be using XLink :) ... OTH, if I am wrong, the XLink recommendation should better have defined simple links only and explained how extended links can be built from simple links. Eric -- GPG-PGP: 2A528005 Weblog: http://eric.van-der-vlist.com/blog?t=category&a=English ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Eric van der Vlist http://xmlfr.org http://dyomedea.com (ISO) RELAX NG ISBN:0-596-00421-4 http://oreilly.com/catalog/relax (W3C) XML Schema ISBN:0-596-00252-1 http://oreilly.com/catalog/xmlschema ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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