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RE: [xml-dev] 5 Good Reasons to Vote Today ... a letter from Michael Moore

Actually she just said she lives in Spain.  Sounds like she is an American abroad.

>>>>> I am international also ! I live in spain.

>>>>> I am very active with the democrats abroad and in moments of 
>>>>> Thank god WE WON!

I can't believe this.  Congratulations Diana!  You just reached celebrity status on this list.  Why don't you send us a short bio and some photos of your kids (that should get you banned).


	Jack Lindsey

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitch Amiano [mailto:mitch.amiano@agilemarkup.com] 
Sent: Wednesday November 8, 2006 4:56 PM
To: Michael Kay
Cc: xml-dev@lists.xml.org
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] 5 Good Reasons to Vote Today ... a letter from Michael Moore

In this series and in prior posts Diana claimed to be from Spain.
So she may be provincial, maybe even Provençal, but you can't fault her 
for being American.

- Mitch

Michael Kay wrote:
 >> India is in Eastern Europe ?
 > She's American, remember. Many Americans only recognize two places: 
 > and the rest-of-the-world. Some of them recognize the rest of the 
world only
 > if it sells Starbucks coffee.
 > Michael Kay


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