--- Begin Message ---
- From: stephen.green@systml.co.uk
- To: ubl-dev@lists.oasis-open.org
- Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2007 06:17:50 -0700
Hi All,
Just released an opensource set of XSLT stylesheets to transform
UBL 1 (SBS) documents to UBL 2.
This is part of a project to produce various opensource pieces of software
and the like for both UBL and ebXML called 'freeb-ubl' on SourceForge.
(It's name reflects the intention to submit it to the freebXML.org foundation
- pending.)
It includes:
XForms for UBL and for ebBP (more hopefully coming soon)
Stylesheets to generate XForms (* - and see below)
Stylesheets for other purposes (such as transformations as above)
Customizations of UBL (subsets for UBL 1 and UBL 2 for general use)
In the process of producing stylesheets to generate the XForms it
was found that very happily there was a major part of the work that
equally worked for UBL and ebXML-BP, which are quite different, so
a new project has been started too to modify the same work to cater
for general XML (non-mixed-content):
- a very interesting spin-off from XML e-commerce back to core XML
perhaps :-)
Lots to enjoy then
All the best
Stephen Green
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