From: Sara Caswell []
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007
1:26 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: IDtrust 2008 Call for
Papers (pka PKI R&D Workshop)
7th Symposium on Identity and Trust on the Internet
(IDtrust 2008)
March 4-6, 2008
Theme: Identity and Trust Infrastructures
This symposium brings together academia, government, and industry to explore
all aspects of identity and trust. Previously known as the PKI R&D Workshop
(2002-2007), our new name reflects interest in a broader set of tools and the
goal of an identity layer for the Internet. We aim to get practitioners in
different sectors together to apply the lessons of real-world deployments to the
latest research and ideas on the horizon. In addition to peer-reviewed papers,
we facilitate discussions among panels of invited experts and symposium
Complete details on the Symposium are available at
- Papers and proposals due: November 17, 2007
- Notification to authors: Dec 20, 2007
- Early Bird Registration: January 26, 2008
- Final papers due: Feb 1, 2008
- Hotel Reservations: February 18, 2008
- Final Registration: February 26, 2008
We solicit technical papers and panel proposals from researchers, systems
architects, vendor engineers, and users. Suggested topics include but are not
limited to:
* Reports of real-world experience with the use and deployment of identity and
trust applications for broad use on the Internet (where the population of users
is diverse) and within enterprises who use the Internet (where the population
of users may be more limited), how best to integrate such usage into legacy
systems, and future research directions. Reports may include use cases,
business case scenarios, requirements, best practices, implementation and
interoperability reports, usage experience, etc.
* Identity management protocols (SAML, Liberty, CardSpace, OpenID, and
PKI-related protocols)
* Identity metasystems, frameworks, and systems (Shibboleth, Higgins, etc.)
* User-centric identity, delegation, reputation
* Identity and Web 2.0, secure mash-ups, social networking, trust fabric and
mechanisms of “invited networks”
* Identity management of devices from RFID tags to cell phones; Host Identity
Protocol (HIP)
* Federated approaches to trust
* Trust management across security domains
* Standards related to identity and trust, including X.509, SPKI/SDSI, PGP,
S/MIME, XKMS, XACML, XRML, and XML signatures
* Intersection of policy-based systems, identity, and trust; identity and trust
policy enforcement, policy and attribute mapping and standardization
* Attribute management, attribute-based access control
* Trust path building and certificate validation in open and closed
* Improved usability of identity and trust systems for users and
administrators, including usability design for authorization and policy
management, naming, signing, verification, encryption, use of multiple private
keys, and selective disclosure
* Identity and privacy
* Levels of trust and assurance
* Trust infrastructure issues of scalability, performance, adoption, discovery,
and interoperability
* Use of PKI in emerging technologies (e.g., sensor networks)
* Application domain requirements: web services, grid technologies, document
signatures, (including signature validity over time), data privacy, etc.
Submissions should be provided electronically, in PDF, for standard US letter-size paper (8.5 x 11 inches). Paper submissions must not exceed 15 pages (single
space, two column format with 1" margins using a 10 pt or larger font) and
should adhere to the ACM SIG proceedings template at
(LaTeX users should use template Option 2). Successful technical papers
should clearly describe the contribution to the field and cite related work.
Submissions of papers must not substantially duplicate work that any of the
authors have published elsewhere or have submitted in parallel to any other
conferences or journals. Proposals for panels should be no longer than five
pages and include possible panelists and an indication of which panelists have
confirmed participation.
Detailed submission instructions can be found at the symposium website. All
submissions will be acknowledged.
Accepted papers will be published in a pre-proceedings at the symposium and in
a final proceedings shortly after the symposium. Accepted papers will also
appear in the ACM Digital Library as part of the ACM International Conference
Proceedings Series.
The per person registration fees are $110, before January 26, 2008, and $160,
after January 26, 2008. The fee includes coffee breaks, lunches, a
dinner, and symposium materials. An agenda will be available in late
December at
There will be no on-site registration. Please pre-register by February
26, 2008 electronically at
Registration questions can be directed to: Teresa Vicente, NIST, Phone: (301)
975-3883; email:
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Gaithersburg Holiday Inn, (301)
948-8900 or 1-800-465-4329, at a special rate of $104, plus 12% tax.
Reservations must be received by February 18, 2008. Please mention that
you are attending the “NIST IDtrust” to receive the symposium rate.