Hi Folks, I've attached a one-page PDF file expressing a UML class diagram of various XML Schema-related concepts. I would appreciate comments regarding its correctness. Background ========== I work with a number of standards organizations on XML-related activities. I've observed that progress often stalls as a result of participants using imprecise terms when referring to various W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSDL)-related concepts. Participants frequently use terms more broadly, narrowly, or differently than defined by the W3C. Participants also frequently use their own "common sense" terms to refer to concepts for which the W3C has defined a term. At times it seems that discussions degenerate into a technical jargon fog. In my efforts to encourage using more precise language among standards participants, I discovered that many XSDL-related concepts needed to be understood in relation to one another--hence the UML model. Best regards, Jim Wilson CIDX Chief Architect