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Re: [xml-dev] Conditional statements in DTD?

It's expressible using schematron, I'm fairly certain.  Check 
http://www.schematron.com/ for info.


On 3/11/2009 2:55 PM, Pete Cordell wrote:
> The limited specification abilities of DTDs is why XML schema was 
> developed. But even XSD schema 1.0 can't do what you want.  XSD 1.1 
> should be able to do it with an xs:assert statement, but that's still 
> being worked on.
> HTH,
> Pete Cordell
> Codalogic Ltd
> Interface XML to C++ the easy way using XML C++
> data binding to convert XSD schemas to C++ classes.
> Visit http://codalogic.com/lmx/ for more info
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Graeme Kidd"
> To: <xml-dev@lists.xml.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 6:15 PM
> Subject: [xml-dev] Conditional statements in DTD?
> Hi All,
> I am certain you cant use conditional statements within the DTD file so 
> is it possible to make an attribute valid only if a parent element had 
> an attribute set to something e.g.
> The 'StepTwo' element is valid as the 'allow' attribute in 'StepOne' is 
> set to 'yes'
> < root>
>   < StepOne allow="yes">
>      < StepTwo playing="hard"
>   < / StepOne
> < / root>
> The 'StepTwo' element is invalid as the 'allow' attribute in 'StepOne' 
> is set to 'no'
> < root>
>   < StepOne allow="no">
>      < StepTwo playing="hard">
>   < / StepOne
> < / root>
> The 'StepTwo' element is valid because the 'allow' attribute is set to 
> 'no' and there is no attribute for Step Two.
> < root>
>   < StepOne allow="no">
>      < StepTwo>
>   < / StepOne
> < / root>
> Surely things like this could be rather common?
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