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RE: [xml-dev] Fwd: Xml doubts please reply


This is not strictly related to your question, but it sounds to me like
your data might be a good candidate for using an XML data store (e.g.
Mark Logic) instead of a relational DB.  Have you looked into this
option?  This might simplify your data cycle as your DB would be able to
store and query XML directly instead of needing to export to and import
from another format.

Just a suggestion.

Doug Glidden
Software Engineer
The Boeing Company

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Ludwig [mailto:mlu@as-guides.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 06:24
To: XML Developers List
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] Fwd: Xml doubts please reply

SHAJI, please keep it on list instead of replying privately.

SHAJI A schrieb:

> sir if i copy the literature in word(docx format),we will get 
> corresponding xml.right?

No idea, but I doubt the result will be useful out of the box.

> can we export these data directly to mysql server?[ i am using PHP 
> mysql ]

Sure, but this is the wrong place to discuss it. The fact that I
mentioned SQL was not an invitation to go on about it here. (Maybe
rather the opposite.)

> one more thing how to couple my php APPLICATION WITH  Apache Solr.

Via HTTP, as per the Solr docs. Again, this is the wrong place to
discuss it, even though XML may have a role here. Please find
appropriate forums for your questions. For Solr, go to the Solr list.
Almost every forum has a publicly accessible archive that you can read
to get an idea of what it is about - if the name alone does not make it
clear enough. Also, read the list guidelines.

Michael Ludwig


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