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Re: [xml-dev] XQuery in the Shell Part III

Hello Kurt,

As an aside, are you familiar with an earlier (and imho more
featured/robust bit of Perl software) called XML-XSH by Petr Pajas who
helps run XML Prague with us ? It predates xmlsh and has a lot of very
interesting features, though admittedly I don't use it in any software
dev, I always found it quite interesting.

Jim Fuller

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Kurt Cagle<kurt.cagle@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've just posted the third in a series on David Lee's xmlsh command shell
> language and how you can use XQuery in order to create sophisticated command
> line applications.
> http://www.xmltoday.org/content/xquery-shell-language-part-3-parameters-functions-and-options
> Kurt Cagle
> Managing Editor
> http://xmlToday.org

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