008801ca38c4$91f0bfe0$9701a8c0@Taku type="cite">David
I do not see in this spec where it defines the serialization of a sequence.
I was not talking about concatenating "nodes" but rather concatenation of
text from a sequence after it was serialized.
-----Original Message-----
From: David A. Lee [mailto:dlee@calldei.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 4:46 PM
To: Jim Tivy
Cc: xml-dev@lists.xml.org; 'XProc Dev'
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] Serialization of XDM - Use cases / Proposal
This is a case, if I'm reading it properly, where the current XDM
Serializaiton spec may serve perfectly.
That would concatenate the result nodes such that it is serialized
equivalently to an external entity.
David A. Lee
Jim Tivy wrote:
Here is a better description of the use case I have:
There are a number "templating" technologies in use for defining web
for example PHP, ASP and JSP. These templating languages have been very
successful. When these templates "execute", they produce an HTML page as
HTTP response. These templating technologies allow you to mix html tags
with program logic to create web pages dynamically. These templating
languages, as a rule, are text based in that they define a page by
concatenating HTML chunks of text together. For example, in a JSP file,
sometimes these HTML chunks are literal text and other times they are
calculated and "injected inline" into the output - always as text.
It should be possible to inject an XDM text serialization (a sequence of
<div> tags and children, for instance) as returned by
getPipelineSerialization () call in this simple JSP page shown below:
<% out.write(getPipelineSerialization("mypipeline")); %>
examples of jsps:
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Tivy [mailto:jimt@bluestream.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 3:12 PM
To: 'David A. Lee'
Cc: xml-dev@lists.xml.org; talk@x-query.com; 'XProc Dev'
Subject: RE: [xml-dev] Serialization of XDM - Use cases / Proposal
Hi David
We use XDM serialization - for a simple sequence. We have a pipeline that
we execute and the last node is XPath /html/body/* of an upstream html
document - we call it html core output. We use this in JSP (java server
pages) code where we wish to establish the css files and meta tags but
up the html content from the pipeline.
If you like I can write this up in your wiki.
-----Original Message-----
From: David A. Lee [mailto:dlee@calldei.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2009 2:07 PM
Cc: xml-dev@lists.xml.org; talk@x-query.com; XProc Dev
Subject: Re: [xml-dev] Serialization of XDM - Use cases / Proposal
I have created a first pass at documenting the problem of XDM
Serialization and created some use cases.
I would love any feedback or comments. This is on a new wiki I created
for this purpose. If you would like to comment directly on the wiki
please reply to me and I will give you the invite code (due to the sad
state of affairs anonymous comments and editing are disabled due to
wiki-spam-bots. I've found spam within 5 minutes of opening a public
wiki ... <sigh> )
I have NOT included a proposal for a format yet, I'd like to discuss the
intent and use cases first before putting up a straw-man proposal.
Thank you for any contribution !
I've CC'd this to xproc-dev because one of the use cases if for
developers and integrators with XML Pipeline processors such as XProc
David A. Lee
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