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RE: An inquiry into the nature of XML and how it orients ourperception of information

Hi Folks,

Excellent discussion!

I'd like to try the following approach to exploring this subject. Below is an XML document in an Object Oriented (OO) form. Following it is an XML document in a relational database (DB) form. 

The OO form frames ones thoughts in this way:

   Book stores contain a collection of Book objects
   and Magazine objects. The Book and Magazine types
   inherit from an abstract Publication type.

The DB form frames ones thoughts in this way:

   Book stores consist of a table composed of records 
   about Books and a table composed of records about 

"New methods of construction demand new forms" [1] 

Let us stipulate that neither the OO form nor the DB form orients ones thoughts properly, i.e. they frame, color, and categorize ones thoughts in a way that is not harmonious with XML. 

We desire an XML document that orients ones thoughts in a way that is harmonious with the construction methods provided by XML. What would such an XML document look like? Would you put forth a design, using the book and magazine data below, that properly orients ones thoughts?


[1] "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand, p. 35.

              OO Form
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<BookStore xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";>
        <Publication xsi:type="Book">
                <Title>Amusing Ourselves to Death</Title>
                <Author>Neil Postman</Author>
                <Publisher>Penguin Books Ltd.</Publisher>
        <Publication xsi:type="Magazine">
                <Title>New Scientist</Title>
                <Week>September 19 - 25, 2009</Week>
        <Publication xsi:type="Book">
                <Title>The Fountainhead</Title>
                <Author>Ayn Rand</Author>
                <Publisher>Penguin Books Ltd.</Publisher>

              DB Form
<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <Title>Amusing Ourselves to Death</Title>
                <Author>Neil Postman</Author>
                <Publisher>Penguin Books Ltd.</Publisher>
                <Title>The Fountainhead</Title>
                <Author>Ayn Rand</Author>
                <Publisher>Penguin Books Ltd.</Publisher>
                <Title>New Scientist</Title>
                <Week>September 19 - 25, 2009</Week>

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