On Fri, 2010-10-08 at 22:01 +0200, Govan Marounsi wrote:
1- Is there any standard XML schema for displaying logic sentences in
XML files? I am looking for something like RFC (Request for comments).
I don't know of a standard in this area. XQueryX defines a schema for
representing expression parse trees. There was also work on interactive
electronic training manuals (IETMs) and service guides at various
places, including the US Department of Defense e.g. the Navy.
For formatting existing markup,
Thank you for that. 1286569165.15819.21.camel@dell.barefootcomputing.com"
2- What is the best way to translate and evaluate these sentences in
XML files with help of Java?
Translate them into what? French? or Java? or something else?
I thought it is obvious that I meant Java. The logic sentences (propositions) ,with the varibales value entered by user, have to be evaluated to true or false in java. Based on result the code will do som operations.
3- I want to write code for auto generating a GUI which with help of
it users can change the value of variables in logic sentences? Isenerate
there any special technique to generate GUI (Swing or Jface) from XML
There's always libglade-java too. Is this for homework? If so, start out
by seeing what the person who set the question is expecting for an
I will read about libglade-java. Thanks. Something like homework or
It is for my degree project. I set the question myself :) ! The
whole concept has long background and it will be boring for you. I
want just to know if somebody has experiences to generate user
interface reading some parameters or values from a XML file.