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Re: [xml-dev] Should one adopt the tag naming convention of anexisting XML vocabulary or create one's own tag naming convention?

Uche Ogbuji scripsit:

> The main problem I encounter with hyphens is in data binding to programming
> languages, but it boggles my mind to think that anyone would place the
> convenience of a programmer over the readability of the data. 

Oh yes, when the programming team is spending their budget on a schema
developer (which is how schema developers get paid at $EMPLOYER).
Uncle Mahmoud's first rule applies:  "The man that pays the bills,
keep him happy."

Not *too* happy, of course: it's important to be a professional
(a professional is someone who you hire to do what's right for you,
not just what you tell him), as well as to be seen as a professional
(otherwise some code monkey would wind up writing the schemas).

Verbogeny is one of the pleasurettes    John Cowan <cowan@ccil.org>
of a creatific thinkerizer.             http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
   --Peter da Silva

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