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Re: [xml-dev] Side-by-side comparison of XML Schema and Relax NG

David Carlisle scripsit:

> Yes I'd always use that by preference and then just get the xml form  
> with trang for any systems that need it.

The one problem with compact syntax is its representation of foreign markup.
We use foreign markup extensively in our schema to provide rich text
documentation, which is extracted by a separate process.  Trang does
not know when it can discard whitespace in this markup, and so converting
our schemas to RNC format produces a great big mess.

I now introduce Professor Smullyan,             John Cowan
who will prove to you that either               cowan@ccil.org
he doesn't exist or you don't exist,            http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
but you won't know which.                               --Melvin Fitting

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