Is xqib still developing. I come to like the ideal. More so to knowing that one who don't like xml programming will not even consider this. Which will make it an exclusive programing language. I would rather rename it; xpl(xml's programming language). This is possible, it being an open source. I hope with this message, I have invoke developers to consider taking an interest as well as action toward this ideal. /* signature */ "use strict"; var j = 0, baz = "", k = "", bar = "83,104,101,108,108,101,121,32,80,111,119,101,114,115,39,32,98,111,111,107,115,32,97,114,101,32,116,111,32,114,101,97,100,32,102,111,114,"; for(;bar.charAt(j);){ if(bar.charAt(j) !== ","){ k += bar.charAt(j); } else{ baz += String.fromCharCode(k)+" \v"; k = ""; } j++; } console.dir(baz); /* end of signature */ |