>I'm sure someone must have written a nice little python script or
>something similar to do this sometime, anyway I have some XML with
>stuff like
><description>PJ&nbsp;72 fra &Ouml;rsj&ouml; Belysning er
>en funktionel lampe&nbsp;som kan justeres efter eget behov.
>Fremstillet af lakeret metal og&nbsp;fås i mange
>farver.&nbsp;I serien f&aring;s skrivebordslamper, gulvlamper,
>anyway, rather than sitting down and writing a solution for this
>problem I am supposing someone has written it in the past, and I can
>just use that.
I'm guessing you want the &s to become ampersands? I'm pretty sure the
regular expression /&/&/g would work in most environments.