With Jeff Beck's help on the XSLT, I went ahead and implemented this in our DtdAnalyzer. For the record, in case anyone else is interested, it is here: http://dtd.nlm.nih.gov/ncbi/dtdanalyzer/. The new utility is called "dtdflatten".One known limitation is that it does not preserve any NOTATION declarations.John, I had a look at your DTDCrunch, and yes, I think that's more than we want -- I definitely want to preserve the ability to validate against the flattened DTD. Also, it looks like maybe you have an escaping problem. In xhtml1-crunched.dtd, you have<!ENTITY quot """ >You need to escape the quote mark. We ran into this same problem in our first iteration.Cheers!Chris MaloneyOn Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 10:04 AM, John Cowan <cowan@ccil.org> wrote:Scripsit Chris Maloney:
> Yes, I just did, without luck. Trying to flatten NLM DTD journal publishing
> 3.0, it hung on `Element mml:none`. I poked around a little bit in the perl
> code, but couldn't figure it out.
My DTDCrunch might do more than you want: it crunches a (potentially multi-file)
DTD into the minimal information required by a non-validating parser. Entity
declarations are preserved; attribute declarations are preserved unless they are
of type CDATA and have no default value; element declarations are preserved only
if the element has element-only content, and then in the trivial form
<!ELEMENT foo (foo)>. There is one declaration per output line.
John Cowan http://www.ccil.org/~cowan cowan@ccil.org
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