I've something strange, and don't know if I do not understand OASIS catalog specification, or if there is a bug in Apache Resolver...
I have this catalog : <catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog"> <group xml:base="cp:/catalog.xml"> <rewriteURI uriStartString="foo:" rewritePrefix="cp:"/> <rewriteSystem systemIdStartString="foo:" rewritePrefix="cp:"/> </group> <group xml:base="file:/home/fake/catalog.xml"> <rewriteURI uriStartString="bar:" rewritePrefix="cp:"/> <rewriteSystem systemIdStartString="bar:" rewritePrefix="cp:"/> </group> </catalog> Dependending on I have or not support for cp: protocol (first group xml:base), the first xml:base (cp:/catalog.xml) is rewritten fo file:cp:/catalog.xml. It is normal ? I can imagine that new URI(xx).isAbsolute() is used to know if it should be absolutized (?). That's strange, but, Ok, I can accept this... Then, if cp: support is enabled, if I try to resolve bar:/schemaBar/bar.rnc, it is resolved as cp:/schemaBar/bar.rnc, but if I try to resolve foe:/schemaFoe/foe.rnc, it is resolved as null.
My question is : with rewriteSystem / rewriteURI, does the xml:base may change the resolution ? In specification, xml:base is not mentionned in https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec-2001-08-06.html#s.rewrite, but it is said " If the value of the rewritePrefix attribute is relative, it must be made absolute with respect to the base URI currently in effect." in https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/entity/spec-2001-08-06.html#s.rewritesystem My thought was that xml:base was used only to absolutized relatives URI, and not absolute ones. Then, with Apache resolver, if I set debug output ON, I get this while loading catalog :Cannot find CatalogManager.properties Parse catalog: ./xcatalog Loading catalog: ./xcatalog Default BASE: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/apache/xml-commons/xcatalog Catalog does not exist: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/apache/xml-commons/xcatalog Parse catalog: ../../github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml Loading catalog: ../../github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml Default BASE: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml xml:base: cp:/catalog.xml BASE CUR: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml BASE STR: cp:/catalog.xml BASE NEW: cp:/catalog.xml rewriteURI: foo: cp: REWRITE_URI: foo: cp:/catalog.xml rewriteSystem: foo: cp: REWRITE_SYSTEM: foo: cp:/catalog.xml (reset) xml:base: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml BASE CUR: cp:/catalog.xml BASE STR: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml BASE NEW: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml xml:base: file:/home/fake/catalog.xml BASE CUR: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml BASE STR: file:/home/fake/catalog.xml BASE NEW: file:/home/fake/catalog.xml rewriteURI: bar: cp: REWRITE_URI: bar: cp: rewriteSystem: bar: cp: REWRITE_SYSTEM: bar: cp: (reset) xml:base: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml BASE CUR: file:/home/fake/catalog.xml BASE STR: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml BASE NEW: file:////home/ext-cmarchand/devel/github/jing-trang/cmarchand_test/catalog-bug.xml We can see the REWRITE_SYSTEM are not processed the same with different xml:base. I will enjoy any help to locate the problem (my code, my catalog, or Apache Resolver)... Thanks in advance, |