Hi John,
To clarify my thought: I don't think the JSON syntax itself should or even will change. The experience with XML shows that once it has been adopted widely, it's best to stick to it and attempts to change usually
fail at gaining popularity. I think the JSON syntax is perfect the way it is and for the purpose it covers.
Rather, my statement about JSON embracing the work done on XML was about the technology stack that one builds on top of the syntax (data model, type system, schema validation, navigation, querying, transformation,
...) and that is at its early stages for JSON. XML itself embraced the work previously done on relational databases (XQuery's FLWOR expressions, for example, reuse the ideas of the SELECT-FROM-WHERE statement).
> It's been said that whenever a programming language is standardized, it turns into Pascal.
> Similarly, whenever a data representation is standardized, it turns into SGML. If
> JSON embraces the work done by XML, it will become necessary in the name of
> simplicity to invent a new format that can do even less than JSON.
Kind regards,