High time to learn a little German, don't you think so?
Keep cool, only a couple of words for today, and for a long time. They are Wort and Wert.
Wort - word
Wert - value
Notice how a slight shift of vowel turns word into value and turns value into word, and remember that in the beginning was the Word.
An expression is a shape which can be resolved to a value, and XQuery is a pure expression language. I wonder if there is another programming language which is so headstrong, so determined in being an expression language and nothing else. But the XQuery concept of a value is merged with the concept of a resource and its contents in an unprecedented and unparalled way. XQuery allows us to think of resources and resource contents - the contents selected from any number of resources with any degree of sophistication - as values. In XQuery resources and resource content selections are values, indivisible and meaningful like words, basic building blocks of thought. In the beginning was the Word, and in our humble trade we should be aware of the XQuery way of thought: in the beginning was the value.