On 13
September 2017 11:32:10 yamahito <yamahito@gmail.com>
The case I often find processors screwing up is:
> <p><u>underlined</u>
> Note the significant whitespace between the <u/>
and <i/>
This case is extremely common, and once of the places we
messed up.
I argued long with
over it: he maintained that because the application must
"must"; I never understood why] always receive the same
information from
the parser -- regardless of whether the parser has used a
DTD/Schema or not
-- the rule of removing white-space-only nodes had to be
honoured in all
I respectfully
holding that iff the DTD (in the case we were discussing) made
it clear
that the context was Mixed Content, then white-space-only
nodes were
*significant* and *must* be passed intact to the application
(ie neither
normalized nor annulled).
Sebastian was
shocked that I
would expect different results to be passed into the
application depending
on whether a DTD/Schema as used or not; I attempted to
persuade him that a
FIXED attribute or a REQUIRED attribute with a default value
would be a
case in point, but we never resolved the matter
It's easily fixed in
classes of text document with which I usually deal, at the
cost of a few
cycles: in every XSLT template which matches an element type
in Mixed
Content, make the first action a call to a named template
which checks if
the immediately-preceding node is an element node of a type
which would
normally be spaced in the class of text documents you handle;
if so, add a
space token to the result tree.
This needs more
refinement if,
for example, you deal with TEI documents containing
character-level element
markup *within* words (eg lingustic or editorial markup) where
adding space
would be an error. But in the conventional run of textual
material (eg
XHTML, DocBook, JATS...) I have found this rarely causes a
It would, of course,
be much
better if we fixed the problem and went back to the rule that
space in
Mixed Content is significant, and all else is insignificant,
when it is
possible to identify the context as Mixed Content. But that
would cause too
much pain at this stage; it's hard enough as it is to persuade
text owners
to consider XML as things currently stand -- to change punts
in mid-stream
would not help.