Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone could help clarify an aspect of the specification for DTDs; I am currently working on an XML parser, but have never really used DTDs myself.
In the above URL, there is a DTD (copied below) with nested entity declarations, is this valid?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE feed [
<!ENTITY a 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'>
<!ENTITY b '&e;&f;&g;&h;&i;'>
<!ENTITY c 'tag:xn--8ws00zhy3a.com,2006-05-04:/tests/atom/obfuscated/'>
<!ENTITY d 'http://www.xn--8ws00zhy3a.com/tests/atom/obfuscated/'>
<!ENTITY e '<title>Obfuscated Atom</title>
<id>&c;</id><link rel="alternate" href=""/>
<link rel="self" href=""/>
<author><name>James Holderness</name></author>'>
<!ENTITY % a '<entry><title>This is title #'>
<!ENTITY % b '</title><updated>2007-10-18T23:'>
<!ENTITY % c ':00+00:00</updated><id>&c;'>
<!ENTITY % d '</id><link href="'>
<!ENTITY % e '.html"/><summary type="html">
This is the <code>summary</code> for entry number '>
<!ENTITY % f '.</summary></entry>'>
<!ENTITY % g '<!ENTITY f "%a;1%b;59%c;1%d;1%e;1%f;">'>
<!ENTITY % h '<!ENTITY g "%a;2%b;58%c;2%d;2%e;2%f;">'>
<!ENTITY % i '<!ENTITY h "%a;3%b;57%c;3%d;3%e;3%f;">'>
<!ENTITY % j '<!ENTITY i "%a;4%b;56%c;4%d;4%e;4%f;">'>
<feed xmlns="&a;">&b;</feed>
Saxon and the XSLT processor in Chrome both say no, but if you try the processor in Firefox it appears to process fine.
Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated, many thanks in advance. :)