Hi Folks,
I am creating an XML Schema for air refueling routes. The XML format will replace a legacy format.
Each point on an air refueling route is identified: is the point an entry point (enter the air refueling route), an exit point (exit the air refueling route), and so forth.
For generations air navigators have used the code ET for EnTry point and the code EX for EXit point. I think the codes were made short due to limited computer memory on the airplanes.
I figure it's time for the air navigators to change and use human-friendly terms. So, instead of creating my XML Schema using legacy codes:
<xs:enumeration value="ET"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EX"/>
I plan to create an XML Schema that uses human-friendly terms:
<xs:enumeration value="entry point"/>
<xs:enumeration value="exit point"/>
Is it a good idea to replace the codes with human-friendly terms? Or, should my XML Schema continue using the codes?
Once I've completed my XML Schema I will show it to the air navigators to get their approval (or disapproval).
I think you have to be very careful about changing the established
language of a domain. As I understand it, the aviation sector love
their TLAs and they are unlikely to be willing to change any time soon.