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On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 10:21 PM Liam R. E. Quin <liam@fromoldbooks.org> wrote:
You could equally well say that [relational] database designers failed
to learn from Unix.  It might simply be fairer to say the two groups
worked in different domains, much as, years later, data-oriented and
document-first XML people didn't always see eye to eye.

The RDB database by Walter V. Hobbs of RAND successfully combined the two models: each relation is stored in a flat tab-separated values file and processed by a series of relational operators.  A direct descendant of RDB is Carlo Strozzi's NoSQL <http://www.strozzi.it/cgi-bin/CSA/tw7/I/en_US/nosql/Home%20Page>.

NoSQL's operators, mostly written in awk, can be pipelined together with sh.  The first line of each table contains the column names, each preceded by ^A so that they always sort to the top.  (Strozzi says that what is called NoSQL nowadays should really be called NoREL.)  In principle one could write an implementation of SQL or any other query language on top of NoSQL; Strozzi provides a query language he calls NoSQL Brokering Language, which is a bit more like QUEL than SQL.

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