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[ANN] BaseX 11: The XMLPrague 2024 Edition

Dear all,

We’ve been hard at work finalizing version 11 of BaseX, our open source XML framework, database system, and XQuery processor:

First, we have revised our documentation, which is now generated with RESTXQ:


Next, you can now visit BXFiddle to launch XQuery and Invisible XML online:


Finally, we have added and updated valuable features to help you tackle your daily data challenges:

• Key/value Store: Better compactification when storing values
• CSV/JSON/XML parsing: reduced memory consumption

• First release with new 4.0 features
• Numerous new built-in functions (standard, maps, arrays, math)
• Updates: Multiple targets in rename/replace/insert expressions
• New custom functions: archive:refresh, validate:xsd-init, xslt:init
• Full support for Invisible XML.

• GUI: Full Unicode character support
• Web Server: Upgrade to Jetty 11
• Command-Line: New options -C, -Q, -W
• Options: WRITESTORE, writes store to disk at shutdown time

We took the opportunity of the version jump to drop various XQuery functions in favor of new 4.0 standard functions. Database storage has not changed.

A big thank you to Gunther Rademacher, who is now helping us to make BaseX better every day.

Thanks to all of you for your continuous support,
Have fun with the new release,
Your BaseX Team

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