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Re: [xml-dev] How should a two-digit airport runway number berepresented in XML?

> "Runways, all runways, have a 2-digit number that represents the magnetic heading of the runway to the nearest 10 degrees. If the runway's heading is 265 — 274 degrees, then the runway number is 27 — always drop the last “0.” The opposite end of the runway is 180 degrees apart, so Runway 09 (90 degrees)."
> How to represent a runway number in XML?

As ever, “it depends”. Without knowing more about the context, I can only appeal to my aesthetic sense and intuition.

> What do you think? Which form is better?

Given that the computer doesn’t care if it’s 9 or 09, I’d probably store the value as 09. That will be familiar and natural to a human pilot familiar with reading runway signs. Or an experienced technical writer used to documenting airport designs.

Don’t confuse the human is always a good design choice.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>

> The test of courage comes when we are in the minority. The test of
> tolerance comes when we are in the majority.--Ralph W. Sockman

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