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[ANN] Balisage 2024 Program Adds Late-breaking News

Balisage 2024 Program Adds Late-breaking News

The Balisage 2024 program is now complete! When the peer-reviewed Balisage program was scheduled, a few slots were reserved for “Late-breaking” material. The late-breaking papers have been added to a rearranged schedule:

Balisage 2024 will be: 
  - All virtual
  - Interactive
  - Live
  - Interactive

Words in the 2024 program include:  access, accessible, accumulate, adopting, adventures, aerospace, aesthetic, agreement, AI, AI-based, AI-generated, algorithm, alignment, allowed, analytic, API, application, approach, artifacts, artificial, artificial-intelligence, artistic, assessments, assets, assignments, associates, asynchronous, automate, automated, beautiful, benchmarking, best, bias, BITS, block, boilerplate, brackets, browser, burden, calculated, call, capable, capital, case, challenge, clinical, code, collation, collection, common, comparison, compatibility, complexity, conclusions, conference, consistency, content, context, corpus, correct, create, critical, crochet, current, data, database, decades, declarations, definition, demonstrate, descriptive, design,, detailed, dissecting, distinct, diverse, document, domain-specific, DTD, dynamic, effective, enable, encoding, enumerating, environment, evaluation, examples, examples, extract, features, flexible, format, functions, grammar, graph, host, inconsistencies, invalid, issues, iXML, JATS, _javascript_, key, language, legal, length, leverage, licensing, LLM, mainframes, maintainable, management, manipulating, manuscript, markup, MathML, model, narrative, natural, NoSQL, omissions, order, organization, output, overcoming, overlay, paper-based, parameters, parse, pattern, performance, platforms, pointy, power, practices, preparation, printing, priority, privacy, problems, process, project, prosaic, publication, quality, query, raw, readability, reasonable, recipes, representation, repurposing, requirements, risks, robust, rules, scalable, Schematron, semantic, sequences, SGML, significant, simulations, single-sourcing, SOAP, software, specification, stack, standard, structural, stylesheet, SVG, syntax, systems, tables, tag, test, testbed, text, text-based, TLRR, tools, training, transform, typography, variation, version, witnesses, Word-first, XPath, XQuery, & XSLT.

Interested? Check out Balisage 2024: https://balisage.net/index.html

Balisage: The Markup Conference 2024          https://www.balisage.net
29 July - 2 August 2024                       mailto:info@balisage.net
pre-conference 28 July 2024                                           

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