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Re: [xml-dev] defining correctness for an XML transformation - how?

Dimitre Novatchev <dnovatchev@gmail.com> writes:

> From Wikipedia:
> "In theoretical computer science, an algorithm is correct with respect
> to a specification if it behaves as specified. Best explored is
> functional correctness, which refers to the input-output behavior of
> the algorithm: for each input it produces an output satisfying the
> specification.[1]

Thank you; that suggests a direction of thought that might prove useful.

> ...
> There might be a subset (or subsets) of the set of all problems, for
> which proof of correctness is possible, but I am not aware of such
> subsets having been defined, or, if defined, how useful is their
> scope.
> Anyway, there is no restriction on the sets of problems that one could
> attempt to solve with XSLT. And even if we could define "correctness",
> this would not be too useful if in general this "correctness" would
> not be possible to prove.

Maybe, but I think:

- Even if proofs of correctness are not always (or even not usually)
  possible, they may be very useful in the cases where they are

  Numbers are not, in general, computable: there are uncomputable
  numbers.  But computers to compute the subset of computable numbers
  for which we know how to write programs are still often thought

- Even if proofs of correctness were in principle not possible for XML
  transformations (which I do not believe), there can be value in being
  able to define explicitly what conditions a particular program must
  meet in order to be correct.  From such a specification, test cases
  can be generated, and there are anecdotal reports that just writing
  down a formal statement of the pre- and post-conditions of a program
  is often helpful in avoiding errors.

  Which is part of the reason that my question focused not on how to
  prove a transformation correct, but how to specify what correctness is
  for that transform.

C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
Black Mesa Technologies LLC

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