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Re: [dita-fa-edboard] RE: Categories on DITA XML.org

On Wednesday 31 October 2007 05:35, Bruce Esrig wrote:
> Wow, that maintenance strategy  (in Su-Laine's message "Removing the book
> hierarchy on DITA Wiki   pages") seems promising.
> 1. Looking at the site, there are a lot of improvements. Kudos for that.
> 2. How do I tag an iterm? Honestly, I looked for it and couldn't find it.
> 3. I took a look in the taxonomy manager and I see multiple vocabularies.
> In building the tagging vocabulary, would it make sense to echo the other
> vocabularies by embedding them and their constituent terms in hierarchical
> categories in the tagging vocabulary? (I haven't learned yet how to nest
> categories ... ref: http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/taxonomy
> .)
> Would it be smart to merge the other vocabularies in completely and
> eliminate them as separate vocabularies?
> 4. I tried the usergroups tag, and didn't notice the "Read more" link.
> Could we put "More ..." at the end of the article, or make "Read more" more
> prominent in some other way? Even changing the text to "More ..." might
> help, since that's a common idiom.
> 5. The top few SEO items ("Cool site stats") suggest good tags: training,
> ant, cms, editor, opentoolkit, tutorial, tools, OASIS.
> 6. Are we going with run-together words? I don't want to alienate people by
> getting too didactic, but we could start a lower camelCase spelling
> convention if we wanted to.
> Bruce
> At 03:20 PM 10/24/2007, Carol Geyer wrote:
> >Su-Laine,
> >Just to be clear, do you want me to change the 'Categories' link in the
> >vertical nav to read 'Tags' instead?

fwiw, I believe the trend at Drupal is to use the term 'Category' in place of 
taxonomy... to the point where everything but the module name is being called 
Category.  There is a big usability focus [1] with the new release of Drupal 
6 in beta2 [2].  One item that has hampered Drupal is the confusing albeit 
accurate terminology (e.g. taxonomy, node). [3]  Although 'tag' is very 
popular term, it doesn't convey the sense that there might be some structure 
to the classification.

[1] http://drupal.org/node/141043
[2] http://drupal.org/drupal-6.0-beta2
[3] http://drupal.org/node/141043#comment-229190

One thing that is changing in D6 is that the book module has been reworked to 
make it more flexible.
Book and Forum changes
    The book module and forum module have been reworked from the ground up: it 
is now possible to have any type of content in forums (polls for example) and 
the book administration is simplified.

Here is what's in D6 so far, from the Changelog:
// $Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 1.230 2007/10/25 15:28:28 dries Exp $

Drupal 6.0, xxxx-xx-xx (development version)
- New, faster and better menu system.
- New watchdog as a hook functionality.
   * New hook_watchdog that can be implemented by any module to route log
     messages to various destinations.
   * Expands the severity levels from 3 (Error, Warning, Notice) to the 8
     levels defined in RFC 3164.
   * The watchdog module is now called dblog, and is optional, but enabled by
     default in the default install profile.
   * Extended the database log module so log messages can be filtered.
   * Added syslog module: useful for monitoring large Drupal installations.
- Added optional e-mail notifications when users are approved, blocked, or
- Added versioning support to categories by associating them with node
- Drupal works with error reporting set to E_ALL.
- Added scripts/drupal.sh to execute Drupal code from the command line. Useful
  to use Drupal as a framework to build command-line tools.
- Made signature support optional and made it possible to theme signatures.
- Made it possible to filter the URL aliases on the URL alias administration
- Language system improvements:
    * Support for right to left languages.
    * Language detection based on parts of the URL.
    * Browser based language detection.
    * Made it possible to specify a node's language.
    * Support for translating posts on the site to different languages.
    * Language dependent path aliases.
    * Automatically import translations when adding a new language.
    * JavaScript interface translation.
    * Automatically import a module's translation upon enabling that module.
- Moved "PHP input filter" to a standalone module so it can be deleted for
  security reasons.
- Usability:
    * Improved handling of teasers in posts.
    * Added sticky table headers.
    * Check for clean URL support automatically with JavaScript.
    * Removed default/settings.php. Instead the installer will create it from
    * Made it possible to configure your own date formats.
    * Remember anonymous comment posters.
    * Only allow modules and themes to be enabled that have explicitly been
      ported to the correct core API version.
    * Can now specify the minimum PHP version required for a module within the
      .info file.
    * Dynamically check password strength and confirmation.
    * Refactored poll administration.
- Theme system:
    * Added .info files to themes and made it easier to specify regions and
    * Added theme registry: modules can directly provide .tpl.php files for
      their themes without having to create theme_ functions.
    * Used the Garland theme for the installation and maintenance pages.
    * Added theme preprocess functions for themes that are templates.
    * Added support for themeable functions in JavaScript.
- Refactored update.php to a generic batch API to be able to run 
  operations in multiple subsequent HTTP requests.
- Installer:
    * Themed the installer with the Garland theme.
    * Added form to provide initial site information during installation.
    * Added ability to provide extra installation steps programmatically.
    * Made it possible to import interface translations at install time.
- Added the HTML corrector filter:
    * Fixes faulty and chopped off HTML in postings.
    * Tags are now automatically closed at the end of the teaser.
- Performance:
    * Made it easier to conditionally load .include files and split up many 
    * Added a JavaScript aggregator and compressor.
    * Added block-level caching, improving performance for both authenticated
      and anonymous users.
    * Made Drupal work correctly when running behind a reverse proxy like
      Squid or Pound.
- File handling improvements:
    * Entries in the files table are now keyed to a user instead of a node.
    * Added reusable validation functions to check for uploaded file sizes,
      extensions, and image resolution.
    * Added ability to create and remove temporary files during a cron job.
- Forum improvements:
    * Any node type may now be posted in a forum.
- Added support for OpenID.
- Added support for triggering configurable actions.
- Added the Update status module to automatically check for available updates
  and warn sites if they are missing security updates or newer versions.
- Upgraded the core JavaScript library to jQuery version 1.2.
- Added a new Schema API, which provides built-in support for core and
  contributed modules to work with databases other than MySQL.
- Removed drupal.module. The functionality lives on as the Site network
  contributed module (http://drupal.org/project/site_network).


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