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   Retraction and apology

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  • From: "Steven R. Newcomb" <srn@techno.com>
  • To: Jon.Bosak@eng.Sun.COM, ark@DB.Stanford.EDU, gannon@commerce.net, brucek@agentsoft.com, btait@mercantec.com, caallen@webmethods.com, claire_celeste_carnes@ccm.jf.intel.com, dmarquis@kinetoscope.com, f.deschamps@bull.com, harvey@eccnet.eccnet.com, jmt@commerce.net, Jon.Bosak@eng.Sun.COM, jonathan@poet.com, jonlewis@cngroup.com, marthao@icat.com, Michael.Leventhal@grif.fr, paul@arbortext.com, pjordan@microstar.com, ptrevithick@bitstream.com, rcw@commerce.net, smith@adobe.com, tbadger@kodak.com, trung@ondisplay.com, weld@cs.washington.edu, xml-dev@ic.ac.uk, andrewl@microsoft.com, connolly@w3.org, w3c-xml-sig@w3.org
  • Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 23:06:55 -0400

Some of you who received the note I sent to you earlier today should
not have received the material written by Andrew Layman that I quoted
and which was previously distributed only within the confines of W3C.
I should not have quoted it in a note that was being publicly

In my own (pretty weak) defense: I didn't notice that, for example,
the xml-dev list was in the address list; I merely scanned the list of
addresses it to verify that, in fact, it was a list with a lot of
insiders.  I should have verified that the list contained no
*outsiders*, but I inexplicably failed to do that, blithely assuming
from the list's provenance, insider topic, insider tenor, and
recognizable insider addressees that it was a discussion taking place
within the family.  I should have been more careful; this was
definitely a poor algorithm.

I must ask you folks who were not supposed to see the Layman material
to destroy it and forget it.  Anyway, it's an internal discussion,
and, therefore, you can't know the context.

W3C people: I would not blame you for withdrawing my access to the
discussion.  My blunder has caused some pain, and I regret that.


             Steven R. Newcomb   President
         voice +1 716 271 0796   TechnoTeacher, Inc.
           fax +1 716 271 0129   (courier: 23-2 Clover Park,
      Internet: srn@techno.com    Rochester NY 14618)
           FTP: ftp.techno.com   P.O. Box 23795
    WWW: http://www.techno.com   Rochester, NY 14692-3795 USA

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