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   Re: Abbreviated end tags found in a XML file

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  • From: "John E. Simpson" <simpson@polaris.net>
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Mon, 20 Apr 1998 15:39:56 -0400

At 12:01 PM 4/20/98 -0700, Bryan Gilbert wrote:
>At this site
>you will find a XML file that contains content like this:
>Notice that end tags do NOT contain the element name.  
>>From my reading of the XML spec this file is not well formed.
>But is it acceptable?

If it's not at least well-formed then no, it's not acceptable. :)  I
believe those examples resulted from an abortive experiment on Microsoft's
part to super-minimize the closing tags, but they have since come back to
the One True path. The end tag of the <COMPSR_FIRST> tag should therefore
be </COMPSR_FIRST>. The example (and others like it) are about 3-4 months
out of date.

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