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   RE: New Kid on the block...

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  • From: "Rick Jelliffe" <ricko@allette.com.au>
  • To: <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Fri, 5 Jun 1998 04:53:05 +1000

> From:   Marios Adamantopoulos

> So if anyone knows where to get an XML editor and any other hints, or web
> addresses
> or books , please tell me...

My book "The XML & SGML Cookbook" has just been released last week.
(Actually, it sold out on the first day, I believe, but it is being
reprinted.) It is not a first book on XML (i.e. on syntax), but it has a lot
of hard-to-find material that is not covered anywhere else. It is certainly
worthwhile looking at, or getting your library to order.

Note: At least one major online company has put it under the keyword
"cooking", so you may have to look for "Jelliffe"; some book shops have it
under the name "The SGML Cookbook" which was the working title when I
started it 2 years ago.

Simon St Laurent, who also is on this list, has a good introductory book.
There is a flood of XML books coming: it is very exciting.

The best version of the XML specification available online is the annotated
one at www.xml.com  (See Features: Annotated XML at the left)

Rick Jelliffe

The XML & SGML Cookbook, by Rick Jelliffe
Charles F. Goldfarb Series on Open Information Management
656 pages + CD-ROM, Prentice Hall 1998, ISBN 0-13-614233-0
http://www.phptr.com/  > Book Search > "Jelliffe"

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