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   Re: words (RE: extensibility in XSchema?)

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  • From: "John E. Simpson" <simpson@polaris.net>
  • To: <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Jun 1998 09:12:00 -0400

At 11:28 PM 6/22/98, Peter Murray-Rust wrote:
>I'm not suggesting fixed bindings. I'm suggesting that the document (+its
>metadata, environment, packaging, etc.) identify the application to be used
>to process it. IOW a MathML document will - in some way - launch a
>mathematics-aware application. (It's no use launching DSSSL). And CML will
>launch a CML-aware application. Now, if we have a document with both MathML
>and CML we need to have a generic processor like JUMBO which can launch the
>Java classes for each element. Perhaps this is mainly a software issue,
>rather than an architecture one, but we at least have to know where to find
>the applications. And XSL would give us the chance to choose different
>applications if we wanted.

Peter, I think you've got a bootstrapping problem here (or an illustration
of Godel's theorem :). XML, like SGML, explicitly separates considerations
of presentation from those of content ("presentation" covering a whole
gamut of "things you can or should DO with this content"). It seems to me
that you're asking for some generic way of making the separation go away,
no? But shouldn't this be *impossible* under the very terms by which XML
makes its way in the world?

John E. Simpson          | It's no disgrace t'be poor, 
simpson@polaris.net      | but it might as well be.
                         |            -- "Kin" Hubbard

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