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   Re: Namespace questions

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  • From: rbourret@dvs1.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de (Ron Bourret)
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 13:23:24 +0200

> Possibly the hardest thing about XLink is that it *doesn't return
> anything*; you *don't get anything back*.  The pointer points; it
> doesn't fetch.  When you point to <Bar:Foo>, what you have is a
> pointer to <Bar:Foo>.  That's it.  Now, if you're writing a program
> based on top of a parser and an XLink processor, you should probably
> be able to ask the parser for some information about the thing that
> the pointer is pointing to, such as its namespace.  But that's
> something *on top of* XLink, not part of it.

I understand that XPointer is the language for constructing pointers and XLink 
is the language for constructing links.  Just to make sure, an XLink processor 
is software that knows how to follow XLinks and give you something back.  
Presumably, it works in conjunction with an XPointer processor, which actually 
follows the link.  Right?

-- Ron Bourret

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