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   XSchema Specification - Extensions (Section 2.6), Draft 3

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  • From: "Simon St.Laurent" <SimonStL@classic.msn.com>
  • To: "Xml-Dev (E-mail)" <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jul 98 15:25:23 UT

This is a minor revision of the extensions section, stripping out FONT and 
clarifying how XSC: elements might creep into the documentation.  A bigger 
documentation issue remains - 

Chris Maden wrote:
>For XSchema I would suggest, as another poster did, that some element
>types specific to the subject at hand might be useful, such as
><elementtype>, <attributename>, and <attributevalue>. 

I don't think these need to go into IBTWSH - we can provide for them here. But 
what (if anything) would people like for this?

As always, a prettier HTML version of this will be posted shortly at 

Simon St.Laurent
Dynamic HTML: A Primer / XML: A Primer / Cookies

2.6 XSchema Extensions

XSchema provides areas in which XSchema developers can provide supplemental 
information and metadata regarding XSchema components in both human- and 
machine-readable formats. Human-readable information is provided through the 
use of a subset of HTML that conforms to XML syntax, while machine-readable 
information may be provided through the XSC:More element.

2.6.1 Documentation Extensions

Human-readable documentation for XSchemas should be provided using the Itsy 
Bitsy Teeny Weeny Simple Hypertext (IBTWSH) format created by John Cowan. The 
full DTD is available at http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/XML/ibtwsh.dtd. 

Documentation that uses portions of the IBTWSH format may be included in the 
XSC:Doc element, a subelement available to all declarations. The XSC:Doc 
element provides basic formatting options for XSchema documentation.

<!ENTITY % ibtwsh SYSTEM "http://www.ccil.org/~cowan/XML/ibtwsh.dtd">
<!ELEMENT XSC:Doc %horiz.model;>

Any element allowed in the horiz.model set of elements (A, BR, SPAN, XML, 
CITE, CODE, DFN, EM, KBD, SAMP, STRONG, VAR, or parsed character data) may be 
used in the XSC:Doc element. Note that IBTWSH does not use namespaces in order 
to preserve compatibility with HTML.

XSchema applications should ignore all XSchema declarations (i.e., elements 
prefixed with XSC: or the appropriate XSchema prefix) within an XSC:Doc 
element.  (The XML element of IBTWSH allows an ANY content model.)

2.6.2 Other Extensions

The XSC:More element provides an area which developers can use to create their 
own supplements to XSchema, defining content types more tightly than is 
possible through XSchema 1.0. The XSC: More element has a simple ANY content 
model, though XSchema processors should ignore the appearance of any elements 
from the XSchema namespace in this area.


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