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   Re: Deployability of XMLised HTML - authoritative survey?

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  • From: "Simon St.Laurent" <simonstl@simonstl.com>
  • To: XML Dev <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 19:13:33 -0400

At 03:54 PM 10/6/98 -0700, David Brownell wrote:
>John Cowan wrote:
>> Well, I can say that Netscape 4.06, IE 4.01, and Lynx 2.7, all on
>> Windows NT 4.0 SP3, are "XHTML-compliant" using the <BR /> trick.
>The "3.0 browsers" seem a bit more sensitive; that's where some more
>facts would help most.  I confess to having little sympathy for the
>folk running 2.0 browsers any more.

Netscape and IE 3.0 seemed to work fine with <BR /> in my tests (including
IE 3.01/Mac).  I'll have to dig out an old DevEdge disk for 1.0 and 2.0.  I
may even have an old Mosaic someplace...

Simon St.Laurent
Dynamic HTML: A Primer / XML: A Primer
Cookies / Sharing Bandwidth (November)
Building XML Applications (December)

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