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   Re: Web Resource Identity

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  • From: Paul Prescod <paul@prescod.net>
  • To: xml-dev@ic.ac.uk
  • Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 12:30:12 -0500

Stephen Owens wrote:
> Should the identity of the URL be defined by the content of the URL or by
> the intent/subject of that content? I ask because the same URL retrieved by
> two different browsers could differ wildly based on a server side browser
> detect. (Oh it's IE5, I'll send the XML version, Netscape 4, I'll send out
> something with layers).

According to the new WCA-Terms work, those are resource manifestations.
Even under the current web they have the same "identity" because they were
retrieved with the same URL.

> Should they still share a UUID? If not what's the relationship between URLs
> and UUIDs?

Yes. Two things with the same URL must certainly share a UUID no matter
how textually different they are. The logical object behind them is the
same. Without that much of a guarantee we can have no useful concept of
identity at all.

 Paul Prescod  - ISOGEN Consulting Engineer speaking for only himself

Alabama's constitution is 100 years old, 300 pages long and has more than
600 amendments. Highlights include "Amendment 393: Amendment of Amendment
No.  351", "Validation of Laws Regulating Court Costs in Randolph County",
"Miscegenation laws", "Bingo Games in Russell County", "Suppression
of dueling".  - http://www.legislature.state.al.us/ALISHome.html

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