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   Re: [Fwd: ATTN: Please comment on XHTML (before it's too late)]

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  • From: James Robertson <jamesr@steptwo.com.au>
  • To: xml-dev <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 09:53:17 +1000

At 03:27 30/08/1999 , Ann Navarro wrote:

>At 06:41 PM 8/29/99 +0100, W. Eliot Kimber wrote:
>> > No, we've not confused them. We happen to have three 'flavors' of 
>> XHTML 1.0
>> > (the first deliverable from the XHTML project, not the end sum of our
>> > work), that essentially map to the three flavors of HTML 4.0. Each of them
>> > was assigned a namespace that corresponds in title to the three flavor
>> > names. We do not mistakenly confuse their DTDs for their namespaces. (nor
>> > are we limiting XHTML to the use of DTDs, Schemas, as has been pointed 
>> out,
>> > 'isn't soup yet')
>>But: name spaces do not define anything. Therefore, a namespace cannot
>>be the *definition* of what these three flavors are.
>I didn't say they did define anything. I said they each have a namespace. 
>Period. They each have a DTD. Period.
>They happen to share a string for a portion of their titles.
>That does not say "the namespace defines the flavors".

So what does this mean in practice.

If namespaces *and* DTDs are used, I presume
that the namespaces are explicitly written into
the DTDs.

Does this mean, I would have to type:

         <strict:p>A paragraph

instead of just

         <p>A paragraph

If so, I can tell you now, it's all going to

(PS. I know the answer is probably in the spec,
but too much to do this morning - no time to
go off and read yet another spec.)



James Robertson
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd
SGML, XML & HTML Consultancy

"Beyond the Idea"
  ACN 081 019 623

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