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   Re: Feeler for SML (Simple Markup Language)

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  • From: "Richard Anderson" <rja@arpsolutions.demon.co.uk>
  • To: <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 15:46:50 -0000

But UTF-8 can support "foreign" characters so I dont see the argument for
having UTF-16 too.  Also, generally speaking UTF-8 encoding results in
smaller output for most cases.


Richard A.

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----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Champion <Mike.Champion@softwareag-usa.com>
To: <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
Sent: Saturday, November 13, 1999 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: Feeler for SML (Simple Markup Language)

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Don Park <donpark@docuverse.com>
> To: <xml-dev@ic.ac.uk>
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 6:35 PM
> Subject: RE: Feeler for SML (Simple Markup Language)
> > Right.  This means that SML is not a good choice for 'documents' nor
> > encoding data with lots of foreign characters.
> The UTF-8 restriction is the only one in your original list that really
> worries me. There will be a lot of "data" transactions going around the
> world with "foreign" (i.e. non-Western) names and descriptions in them.
> would seem that there's an argument to be made for putting support for
> UTF-16 (at a minimum) in the parser rather than force the applications to
> the UTF-8 encodings ...
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