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   Re: The Power of Groves

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  • From: Len Bullard <cbullard@hiwaay.net>
  • To: THOMAS PASSIN <tpassin@idsonline.com>
  • Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 20:12:14 -0600

> I think we need to find a way to express these ideas starting at a high
> level without much complexity, and moving on to more and more detail.  For
> example, Henry's grove drawing that Peter posted the link to is awfully
> complex unless you are already familiar with the material (I'm not).

For the sake of discussion and the thread, throw away the
diagrams and documents.  Comment back precisely to exactly what Eliot 
says.  So far, work out what a grove(node) is and how to determine 
if an element IS_A node.

It is complicated because it is done.  Force it through the 
sieve of the thread.  OTW, MMTT.



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