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   [ANNOUNCEMENT] X2X - XLink Engine

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  • From: "Graham Moore" <gdm@stepuk.com>
  • To: <xml-dev@xml.org>, <topicmapmail@infoloom.com>
  • Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 06:29:53 -0000

X2X, the XLink Engine, evaluation version available at http://www.stepuk.com

STEP UK launches X2X, "The link management of the future"

STEP UK Ltd. announces the launch today of X2X the XML XLink engine. X2X
allows for the creation, management and manipulation of link information.

X2X allows linking between documents and information resources without
needing to change either of the 'source' or 'target' documents that are
being linked. X2X removes the requirement to insert link information inside
document content. The Links are NOT stored in the document.

Seybold Bulletin (Vol 5 N0. 11 December 15, 1999) identifies X2X as a
glimpse of the link management of the future and describes that future as:

"X2X is the kind of application that is needed to usher in a brand-new type
of Web resource - - the overlay or personal view of third-party resources.
Such overlays let you create custom views of resources at other sites - -
overlays that will be useful in a wide range of Web applications from
education to commercial reference publishing."

Clearly, that future is here today, with the Web as only one of the numerous
sources of information that can be accessed and managed in this way.

X2X has an extensible architecture to allow resources to reside in any data
repository. X2X stores links independently of any documents and provides
facilities to dynamically insert external link structures into documents on
demand. X2X stores all the link information within an ODBC/ JDBC enabled
database, e.g. Oracle or SQL Server. X2X is developed in Java for cross
platform operation. X2X is implemented using fundamental linking concepts
and understands links defined using Xlink and Xpath.

X2X is currently supported on Windows 95, 98 and NT 4.0 and Red Hat Linux
6.0. Support for Sun Solaris and Hewlett Packard UX will soon follow.

This release follows completion of a successful international beta test
program spanning more the 26 countries. The Company is currently in
discussion with a number of major software vendors for incorporation of X2X
within their product portfolios.  Arbortext were one of the first vendors to
identify how it would add value to their Adept and Epic product range.

STEP UK Ltd. provides structured information services to their customers
based on SGML/XML technologies. Specializing in information re-engineering,
STEP UK Ltd. services include systems integration, consultancy, training and
supplying 'best of breed' third party products. Drawing on over 100 man
years experience in SGML/XML, STEP UK Ltd. are able to provide systems and
products that are tailored to meet the exact needs of its customers.

Recently described in the Gilbane Report as "a centre of excellence for
SGML/XML", STEP UK Ltd. offer a 'one stop shop' for customers' requirements,
whether it be customized product training, web delivery system development
or large-scale document management solutions.

Contact information
Email: info@stepuk.com
Web: www.stepuk.com
Tel: +44 (0)1793 485465

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