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   Re: ANN: SAX 2.0 extension proposals.

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  • From: David Brownell <david-b@pacbell.net>
  • To: David Megginson <david@megginson.com>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 15:06:06 -0800

Yeah -- something pretty minimal that can just be relied on not to
do something stupid, and which offers environment-specific flexibility
(vs blessing one implementation, even if it is the reference one).

Since most application components need to be configured, expecting their
options to include a parser name doesn't seem onerous to me.

Letting a a whole bunch of random implementation-specific factory
exceptions through an API, on the other hand ... does!  ;-)

- Dave

p.s. I've been exploring wrapping some of the policies Miles talked
	about in code that goes _over_ SAX not inside it.  Small parser
	is fast parser is good parser.  So I use commandlines like:

	    $ parse fuman10.xml "nsfix | validate"
	    ... reports validity errors (etc) in "fuman10.xml"

	with the knowledge that it'll work with any SAX2 parser that
	emits declaration events ... and those two filter stages will be
	removed if the parser supports the relevant feature settings.

David Megginson wrote:
> David Brownell writes:
>  > Certainly.  That minimal version would look something like:
>  >
>  >      public class org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory
>  >      {
>  >              private XmlReaderFactory () { } // no instances
>  >
>  >              //
>  >              // returns some "default" reader
>  >              // mechanism for default is environment-specific
>  >              // the generic one uses a system property
>  >              // compiled-in defaults are also OK
>  >              //
>  >              public static XMLReader createXMLReader ()
>  >                      throws SAXException;
>  >
>  >              //
>  >              // returns reader with specified class name
>  >              //
>  >              public static XMLReader createXMLReader (String name)
>  >                      throws SAXException
>  >      }
>  >
>  > That latter method would be the one that does the "instanceof"
>  > test to see if the specified class implements XMLReader, Parser, or
>  > some other class entirely, and would presumably be called by the
>  > former method.
> OK, I see -- it's just like the old ParserFactory, except that any
> exceptions for class not found (etc.) get tunnelled through
> SAXException.
> All the best,
> David
> --
> David Megginson                 david@megginson.com
>            http://www.megginson.com/

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