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   Re: Frontline report from the Desperate Fgrep Hacker

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  • From: Sean McGrath <digitome@iol.ie>
  • To: xml-dev@xml.org
  • Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 20:44:54 +0000

[Arjun Ray]
At 04:08 PM 2/28/00 -0500, you wrote:
>On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Sean McGrath wrote:
>> xmln is available on the Pyxie website, if anyone wants to give it
>> a whirl. xmln is built on top of expat and is non-validating. xmlv
>> is built on top of rxp and is validating. Both xmln and xmlv
>> generate the same output notation called PYX.
>PYX seems to be a subset of ESIS, with 
>   (a) Attributes 'A' listed *after the start-element '('
>   (b) Multiple data '-' content lines

Right. I am finishing up an article for xml.com which
goes into the origins of PYX.

In a nutshell, SGML never made sense to me until I 
saw ESIS popping out of James Clarks sgmls parser.
A lot of my SGML systems have been ESIS based and
I have been somewhat suprised at the lack of
an ESIS-like approach to problem solving in
the XML world. PYX is an attempt at introducing
XML developers with no background in
SGML to this sort of processing paradigm.

>> http://www.pyxie.org 
>It's that @#$%^&^%#% META Refresh (spit) again... it leads here:
>  http://www.digitome.com/pyxie.html
Yup. webfarm machine finally working. Should be able
to remove this META Refresh, um, feature, in the
near future.


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