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   ANNOUNCE: QML - Quantum Markup Language and QML-DEV

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  • From: Sean McGrath <digitome@iol.ie>
  • To: xml-dev@XML.ORG
  • Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2000 09:58:12 +0100


As you know, XML is a simplified version of SGML (ISO 8879).
XML has inherited some of the power of SGML as well as some
of its weaknesses. Moreover, XML also lost some of SGMLs

I believe the reason for this is that SGML is too
simple. Using ideas from quantum mechanics I think
it is possible to once and for all establish
all existing markup languages as special cases
of a quantum theory of markup. QML - Quantum
Markup Language is the subject of a discussion
group I have set up on onelist.com. You 
are all welcome to join in.


P.S. About a year ago, I announced a generic
RTF to XML converter written in Perl. I have
re-written it using some of the ideas of
QML. Essentially an RTF2XML.pl is instantiated
by a dequantization algorithm that deals
with disambiguating the quantum state of
RTF. I will be posting details on
the QML list.



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