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   Re: xml search engine?

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  • From: "Steve Muench" <smuench@us.oracle.com>
  • To: <martind@netfolder.com>
  • Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000 09:18:11 -0700

| Didier replies:
| Steve is this release replying to a request with an
| XML or an HTML document?

Technically, neither -- a SELECT statement
returns a set of rows -- but XML output is
straightforward to support. Just want to be
clear about what's going on under the covers.

intermediaText is integrated into SQL so when
you do a query like:

SELECT claimid 
  FROM insurance_claim_table
 WHERE CONTAINS( xmldoc, 'brakes
                    Claim') > 0

You are asking for a rowset of "claimids" from
claim rows whose XML Document/Fragment matches
the XML search criteria in the CONTAINS() clause.

You can easily get this rowset in XML using Oracle8i's
XML capabilities with the xmlgen.getXml() package. But
to be clear, the answer to the query above -- even 
viewed as an XML-based rowset -- would be a list of
claimids. If you want to retrieve the XML document
fragments that qualify the CONTAINS() clause, then
you need to list the column containing the XML doc fragment
in the SELECT list like:

SELECT claimid, xmldoc
  FROM insurance_claim_table
 WHERE ...

Steve Muench, Lead XML Evangelist & Consulting Product Manager
Business Components for Java Dev't Team, Oracle Corporation

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