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   RE: xml search engine?

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  • From: "Didier PH Martin" <martind@netfolder.com>
  • To: "Steve Muench" <smuench@us.oracle.com>, "Walter Underwood" <wunder@infoseek.com>
  • Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 23:03:28 -0500

Hi Steve,

Steve said:
Oracle8i is another to consider, with it's built-in
interMedia Text capability.

Oracle8i Release 2 (8.1.6) supports the blend of
theme and word searching of XML documents with the
ability to leverage the XML structure of the document
to make queries more precise. It also now does
automatic XML tag indexing instead of 8.1.5 where
the process was more manual.

Didier replies:
Steve is this release replying to a request with an XML or an HTML document?

Didier PH Martin
Email: martind@netfolder.com
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