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   Re: Parameterizing namespaces - possible?

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  • From: "Simon St.Laurent" <simonstl@simonstl.com>
  • To: Tim Bray <tbray@textuality.com>, "Xml-Dev" <xml-dev@xml.org>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 21:10:27 -0400

At 05:09 PM 4/16/00 -0700, Tim Bray wrote:
>No... what you have above should work.  If you read the fine print the
>extra spaces don't apply when it's in the replacement text of another
>entity reference.  So %html.name; indeed expands to "html:html"

That's great to know, but what 'fine print' is it?  I can't track it down,
and this interpretation definitely contradicts 4.4.8.

Simon St.Laurent
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